Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week 4 (Part 1) - 11lbs down...

YAY! We are in the middle of week 4! I am so encouraged, not just by what I've accomplished, but by every person that I have heard from who is changing their lifestyle too! God is doing great things in so many lives...and I'd love to hear YOUR story! You can post it in the "comments" section of my blog.

The last time I weighed in, I had dropped just over 11 lbs! It's hard to believe...but, I am so thankful for it! This week has definitely been a tough week, but I'm getting through it! I am reminded daily that I'm FAR from perfect and there's no need to beat myself up over that...and you shouldn't either! God is a God of 2nd, 3rd, and even 50th chances! You just pick yourself up and keep going. That's the lesson I've been learning most through this experience!

Keep up the GREAT work! We're almost finished with week 4!


  1. Congrats on the weight gone. This is the 1st i read your blog!! Good going!! My dh and i are doing Body for Life program and started about the same time as you. I am going to keep following yours as it is always great hearing from people going through the same things!! Keep up the great work!!

  2. Hey Alicia! Welcome to the blog! Hopefully you'll find it's a place where you can be encouraged and encourage others!! Keep up the work in your own life...that is exciting to hear!

