Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 7 (Part 2) - Andy's Tips of the Week

I got so busy on Friday I forgot to post Andy's tips from the last week...i appologize! I've posted his tips below! I hope you are having as amazing of a journey as I am!!

-Just like any temptation you might face in your walk with Christ, when you are struggling with food temptation seek God for your strength to overcome.

-When starting this lifestyle change it is important to measure out all of your portions. Once you have done it for a while you will start to remember correct portion sizes.

-Donʼt drink your calories. Stay away from juices, sport drinks and soda which have a lot of empty calories and way too much sugar for our bodies to process all at once. This can significantly impact your weight loss results.

-When getting bored with your exercise routine, try switching it up with kickboxing, swimming, yoga, tae bo, spinning, group aerobics or any other varieties.

-Tell everyone you know that you are making this healthy lifestyle change. It makes it a whole lot more difficult to cheat when you become the example of health to your friends, co-workers and family members! Now youʼll have people watching you as an example of health AND as an example of Christ!

-Remember that you have many years of habits to break. Donʼt get frustrated and beat yourself up when you slip up, instead get back up and learn from your mistakes. After all, this is a lifelong journey that you are committing to.

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