Monday, March 9, 2009

Week 9 (Part 2) - Tips from Andy

If you missed the tips from last week, i've posted them below for you:

-Besides looking and feeling better, diet and exercise can also lower the risk of many diseases including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even some cancer!

-If you suffer from arthritis then you should know that exercise can actually help your symptoms and increase your mobility. The worst thing to do is become sedentary! Talk to your doctor or a qualified personal trainer about possibly exercises and recommendations.

-It can’t be stressed enough, WATCH YOUR PORTIONS! Too much of a good thing is often bad! If you over indulge in most any food (even chicken breast, brown rice, peanut butter, etc.) you will gain weight. Even healthy foods have calories.

-Dust off your Superman lunchbox and get ready to start packing your lunch again. Not only will it save you money in this tight economy, you will find you can lose weight much faster when you prepare the food instead of someone else. Even with the option of a cafeteria at work chances are they do not have the healthiest choices like light yogurt, lean meats, low fat cheese, unsalted nuts and 100% whole wheat breads.

-When you are having a bad day and you desire to run to your comfort food to fill your needs, run to God instead. Unlike food, He will actually satisfy your need for comfort.

-Fish is an excellent food to add to your diet. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fish per week to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Try salmon, tuna, and tilapia and many others!

Keep up the GREAT work!


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